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How to Satisfy Yourself, Not Overindulge This Thanksgiving

The dinner and dessert are obviously some of the most prominent aspects of Thanksgiving, but you can still make conscious efforts to eat sensible portions this year.

Shari's Berries

Nov 14, 2022

The main course and dessert are obviously two of the most look-forward-to aspects of Thanksgiving. Although meeting up with family and friends is always an enjoyable occasion, it's really the food that everyone focuses on. Oh, let's not forget about all the snacking done throughout the day. However, if you're watching your weight while watching football this Turkey Day, Thanksgiving can be a tough holiday to get through.

You may be tempted to indulge (after all, it is only once a year), but is it really worth blowing all of your hard work? Luckily, there are ways to satisfy yourself without overindulging. Here are five tips to help you have a successful Thanksgiving.

1. Start the day off right

Don't skip out on breakfast and lunch on Thanksgiving Day. Although you may think that it's a good idea to save up your calories for the big meal, it's actually better to have a small breakfast and lunch beforehand. You won't be starving by the time the turkey and its trimmings are served, and therefore you won't be tempted to pile food onto your plate.

2. Alter your recipes

If possible, tweak your dishes to save calories here and there. Use less oil and butter whenever you can, and try low-fat or fat-free versions of sour cream or yogurt to make dips and sauces. When it comes to dessert, buy a few sugar-free treats.

3. Monitor your portions

Half of your plate should consist of vegetables, a fourth should be dedicated to protein, and the rest should be starches like sweet potatoes. You may want to take a couple of bite-sized portions of everything, or just focus on the more traditional items that you don't have every day. For example, you may want to save your calories for the pumpkin pie or the cranberry sauce, not the mashed potatoes — you can have those any day of the week.

4. Take your time

It takes approximately 20 minutes for your brain to realize that you're full, so eat slowly to give yourself time to process what you're eating. This will not only ensure that you don't eat too much, but you'll also get to enjoy the flavors of each dish that much more. And it shows the host who spent all day cooking, that you appreciate what they made and not rushing back to sit in front of the TV for more pigskin.

5. Get active

Thanksgiving is a time for celebrating with your loved ones, and it can be fun to engage in an activity together, like a game of football or even a walk after dinner. It gives you time to catch up on things without having to sit idly on the couch.

Don't forget that there are plenty of Thanksgiving food gifts that aren't all bad for you! Fruits, nuts and berries are just some of the tasty treats you can enjoy with your meal, so don't hesitate to bring a bunch for you and your family.